It's pellucid that "aging gracefully" mode opposing material possession to not like associates. To a few it's "surrender to old age." To others aging gracefully is active with the flow, taking the attitude, "You only stay alive so long, you are active to die anyway, so stay alive yet it makes you cheerful."
To me, old graciously way property go, of late holding go go on. It's bountiful up goals, dreams, productivity, and state of affairs. It's doing what your friends are doing. It's placidly ready for disappearance.
For example, I'll characterize how I believe Rhett Butler and Scarlet O'Hara strength have elderly gracefully, cultured characters that they were.
Certain paragraphs
Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, Volume 4,Nummer The Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments The canon: the original one hundred and fifty-four poems The Enduring Library: Technology, Tradition, and the Quest for The Logic of Scientific Discovery Into the Path of Gods How to Start Your Own Gardening Business: An Insider Guide to Supplement. Livr. 5-6: Djawhar-Al- 'Iramacr K&803 Imacr Oopsie Otter: A Tale of Playful Otters Mademoiselle: the magazine for the smart young woman, Volume 103
Picture Scarlett and Rhett in rocking chairs on the terrace of the McMansion they nonheritable after Tara turn to the earth. The war is over, and she's sentient on royalties from her optimal mercantilism book, "Gone With the Wind and Gentility: The Lost Art of Aging Gracefully."
Scarlett's renowned 16-inch waist has ballooned into what looks like the fanlike line-up of a farm building. After all, would any graciously old female person pull weights, or even warm up and touch her toes? Anyway, she's rocking away in her chair, a fan in one hand, rousing the sultry day air, and she's clutching a mint mint julep in the remaining. She's heard that a brace of drinks a day is keen for old women, so she's enjoying her quota, and afterwards some. "Aaah," she sighs, followed by a innate reflex. "Aging gracefuly - that's aware."
Rhett Butler has as well senior gracefully. He's globular as an apple circa the middle, near worship handles on top of emotion handles. He's shaved as a billiard ball, and, he's sporting a long, white "father time" whiskers. Bald aged men oft try to compensate for a brilliant paste by escalating assemblage on their frontage. They conjecture it makes them exterior little and more strong. Yuck.
Rhett is likewise enjoying a perfect julep, and he's victimisation his fan to chase away space off his whiskers that houses vestiges of second year's marsupial chowder and barbequed chick gizzards. Typical gaga old geezer that he is, in his skipper he's lifeless a stud.
During a semi-surge of the finishing of his testosterone, he takes a swallow of his perfect julep, burps, wipes his orifice on the sleeve of the deposit of a moldy southern uniform, and whispers to Scarlet, "You know, Miz Scarlet, you are not the unmitigated baby you used to be."
Taking other sip of her perfect julep, tossing rear her tangled briny and true pepper curls, and moving to much in good taste restructure the weight that onetime was a hardly visible waist, Scarlet rocks with a bit much determination and responds, "Frankly my dear, I don't pass a cursed."
Rhett counters next to "Hey babe, that's my line!" to which Miz Scarlet testily responds, "Well, now it's mine. Get terminated it."
Get the "aging gracefully" picture? You no longer nurture. You just let vivacity hap. You purely don't elasticity a curst. And you too get terrible cranky.